Filbert's Draft Root Beer
During the early 1900's, George Filbert, his wife and their young son, Charlie, could be seen on a horse-drawn wagon in Chicago's Bridgeport neighbourhood delivering bottles of milk to stores and homes. George also delivered ice and coal and provided general moving and transportation services to the Bridgeport community. It wasn't until the height of prohibition that Filbert's began making Root Beer.
George's son, Charlie who had a love of Root Beer created a recipe that was distinct from other Chicago area bottlers of Root Beer. In 1926 he started making his own "draft style" Root Beer soda. Since so many establishments had barrel dispensing equipment, it was manufactured in half barrels and supplied mainly to taverns and restaurants. In fact, during the 1940's, Filbert's was supplying thousands of half barrels of Root Beer to customers across the Midwest. Filbert's Root Beer supplied the Berghoff Restaurant with its own draft style root beer for over 50 years.
Now 85 years later, Ron Filbert, the fourth generation Filbert, continues to make his families famous Root Beer in the same Bridgeport neighbourhood where his Great-Grandfather started it all back in 1926. Many popular restaurants, such as: Mr. Beef, Lindy's Chili/ Gertie's Ice Cream, and Bishop's Chili proudly serve Filbert's Old Time Draft Root Beer. Using the same old world hand crafted batch brewed process, Filbert's makes 25 wonderful flavours of soda in addition to the famous draft Root Beer.
George's son, Charlie who had a love of Root Beer created a recipe that was distinct from other Chicago area bottlers of Root Beer. In 1926 he started making his own "draft style" Root Beer soda. Since so many establishments had barrel dispensing equipment, it was manufactured in half barrels and supplied mainly to taverns and restaurants. In fact, during the 1940's, Filbert's was supplying thousands of half barrels of Root Beer to customers across the Midwest. Filbert's Root Beer supplied the Berghoff Restaurant with its own draft style root beer for over 50 years.
Now 85 years later, Ron Filbert, the fourth generation Filbert, continues to make his families famous Root Beer in the same Bridgeport neighbourhood where his Great-Grandfather started it all back in 1926. Many popular restaurants, such as: Mr. Beef, Lindy's Chili/ Gertie's Ice Cream, and Bishop's Chili proudly serve Filbert's Old Time Draft Root Beer. Using the same old world hand crafted batch brewed process, Filbert's makes 25 wonderful flavours of soda in addition to the famous draft Root Beer.